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Occupational Therapy

Services to support your child's physical development

Girl with Braids

O U R  A P P R O A C H

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy gives pediatric patients the skills necessary to perform everyday activities in the home, classroom, and other environments. Children may have challenges associated with physical, mental, or emotional development. Occupational therapists design treatment plans to help your child reach pediatric milestones, preventing or delaying problems that can interfere with your child’s performance in age-appropriate tasks.


Occupational therapy pediatric interventions may include fine motor skills needed for school, feeding interventions to help children eat on their own or mental health interventions to help children learn coping skills for anxiety. Extensive occupational therapy and children’s play can also help with sensory-processing difficulties. Occupational therapists perform evaluations, use equipment, and design treatment plans based on the specific childhood age.


Our occupational therapists are available in-person as well as through telehealth!

Caring Child
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